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Skin Care 101 – Ways to Achieve Glowing Skin

Taking care of our skin is a responsibility that we simply cannot afford to abandon. Especially due to the fact that there are many factors out there that can affect the health of our skin on a day-to-day basis such as the weather, the pollution, layers of makeup, etc.

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and therefore, taking care of it is much more important than you think. While building up the perfect skin-care routine can take time, the minute you begin to see positive results you’ll realize that the process is in fact totally worth it. So, if you’re on the look out to achieve glowing skin, here’s some of the things you need to follow.

A healthy balanced diet

The first and most important step towards achieving glowing skin is eating a healthy and balanced diet that is filled with variety of different vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin A, etc. All of these contains nutrients that boost the glow of your skin.

Staying hydrated

The second step that follows a balanced diet is staying hydrated. Your skin care routine is more than just the products you use. It’s also about the food and water intake. The cells present in your skin require an adequate amount of water in order to function properly. Therefore, make it a habit to stay hydrated.

Proper cleansing

Whether you stay all day at home or head out, you need to make it a habit to cleanse your face at least twice a day, once during the morning and the other at night. This helps remove the excess dirt and oil that tends to collect in your skin. So don’t forget to cleanse your skin with water and a suitable cleansing product such as face wash, deep cleansers, etc.

The habit to moisturize

Moisturizing your face help in rejuvenating your skin while also slowing down the aging process and appearances of wrinkles. With a good moisturizing product in hand, you won’t have to worry about dry and flaky skin. Aspect moisturiser is one of the most recommended brands out there and is definitely worth a try. Did you know that moisturizing your skin can also promote healing?

Protecting your skin from the sun

The sun is known to let out harsh rays that can have an immediate negative affect on our skin if not taken care of. This is where sunscreen come into play. The best sunscreen to put on is one with an SPF of 15 or above. Sunscreen are also a type of moisturizer that helps you from aging too fast.

Making use of natural face masks

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, consuming it isn’t the only way to hydrate your skin. Using it for natural homemade DIY face masks is another great way gain a glowing skin. There are several ingredients that can added to these masks that also assist in attaining healthy skin such as honey, curd, etc.

What’s your favourite part of a healthy skin care routine?

Donte Sutton
the authorDonte Sutton