As so many flooring options are vulnerable to mold, decay, or mechanical breakdown when they are exposed to moisture, regions of the household that are damp, or outright wet present challenges for flooring.
As a rule of thumb, floor coverings constructed from inorganic compounds, including such materials as synthetic plastics, will be superior to floorings that include organic components. This is because inorganic materials do not decompose as organic ones do. When discussing flooring materials, the term “organic” is typically reserved for plant-based materials such as solid wood, plywood, or bamboo, which oddly enough is botanically classified as grass. However, technically speaking, the term “organic” can be used to describe any substance that was once living. Organic matter will rapidly begin to deteriorate as soon as they are exposed to moisture, and it will rapidly begin to serve as a breeding ground for a wide range of fungi and bacteria. On the other hand, the majority of inorganic materials are goods that are manufactured from synthetically refined compounds and therefore are essentially resistant to the effects that moisture may have on them. If you want to get some new flooring, do check out flooring stores geelong

Floor Coverings That Are Suitable for Damp and Wet Locations. Each of the floor coverings that fall into this category offers a high level of defense against the accumulation of moisture. Each individual material has an inherent water tightness of one hundred percent. These floor coverings are suitable for use in the kitchen, complete family baths, and basements without causing any safety concerns.
Porcelain tile is a kind of ceramic tile that is frequently utilized in showers, bathtubs, swimming pools, and other spaces that are frequently exposed to clean water. The extremely tiny clay minerals and high kiln temperatures that were used in the production of this material lend to its exceptional resistance to the effects of water. According to established standards, porcelain tile must have an absorbency rate of 0.5 percent or less. If the grouted joints are well maintained, porcelain tile is undoubtedly the greatest material for permanently moist areas. However, this is only the case if the tile is properly maintained. Grout seams that are cracked might offer a path for moisture to go through and enter the subfloor below.

Ceramic tile: Just like porcelain tile, a regular tile is an ideal option for use in locations that often see puddles or water that stands still. The sole distinction between the two is that ceramic tile that is not made of porcelain has a slightly greater rate of water absorption, but this is not normally a problem. Ceramic tile, much like porcelain tile, is not fragile in and of itself; rather, the gaps between the tiles that are grouted are the weak spot.
Concrete: Concrete that has been properly sealed is quite effective against water. Concrete was formerly uncommon outside of the realm of utility spaces, but now, thanks to new choices for coloring and texturizing it, it is gaining appeal for use in living areas.