There are many ways to package beer. It is a widely consumed beverage around the world. When you are a beer manufacturer, you need to understand how you are planning to pack the beer and how many units will be included in one pack, There are breweries that produce gift packs as well that can be a great idea to take to a friend’s house.
You need to select the size of the package when choosing custom beer boxes. Generally, there are some standard packages that are single service packs which will include single bottles and then cartons or baskets for 4, 6 or 12 packs. Corrugated boxes are commonly used because they are readily available and also an environmentally friendly alternative when it comes to packing materials. The corrugated layer is sandwiched between two layers and this material can keep the contents inside safe. Companies usually start out with basic packing where they will have their company label outside a plain and unmarked box. But you need to create a following for your product and create something that is instantly recognizable. So breweries invest in mother cartons that have a strong branding for the high-end market. This will help you build your brand identity.

The finish of the carton also gives an idea of the level of quality. You need to think about what the beer packaging will look like when it’s on display at a retail store. There are many other breweries that produce similar products and there is definite competition in the market. So you need to set yourself apart by condensing the brand identity to the packaging and making sure it catches the eye of any passer-by when they see it displayed. But when you invest more in packaging, generally the expense per carton will increase. To ensure that prices are kept at a level that is accessible to the average customer, you can ask the packaging company about their discounts when it comes to larger orders. If you get a good deal with larger quantities, then it is best to select this if your budget allows for it.

There are certain standards that the packing material should meet. The material for the carrier should be made of wet-strength beverage board which means that most of the strength of the packaging is retained even when it is wet. There are many weather conditions that the packaging will be subjected to so you need to understand exactly how durable the material is. You should also understand the market for the 4-pack and the 6-pack of beers. The 4-pack is kept for beers that have a higher value. It will still show the price as being affordable. For frontline volume beer types, you can use the 6-pack. In the initial stages of production, 4 and 6 packs along with the single servings will be what are feasible to be produced. It is only when a high volume and a demand for the product are created that a brewery will look at creating a 12 pack. This pack is for high volume products. You can create a variety pack for this.