Do you want to learn a foreign language but aren’t sure which one to choose? Here are some reasons why Italian could be the best option.Making the decision to devote time and effort to studying a language is a difficult one. While learning a new language may be an eye-opening and enjoyable experience, it is also hard work. It’s critical to choose the correct language to help you get through those difficult days when you’re having trouble with verb conjugations and pronunciation. If you’re still undecided about which path to take, consider our list of the top two reasons to learn Italian.

Reason No. 1: You can begin speaking as soon as the first day of class.
There are a few advantages to learning Italian over other languages for native English speakers since it is an easier language to pick up. As a native English speaker, there will be many words in the Italian language that you will be familiar with because of your background. The Latin language is the source of around 30% of all terms in the English language, and the Italian language is the language most closely related to the Latin language. This is, of course, an argument that may be used to support the other Romance languages as well, but Italian outperforms them due to its ease of pronunciation in comparison. However, you will not be affected by the Spanish lisp, nor will you be required to solve the conundrum of the vanishing consonants that the French language poses. Beginners have a big advantage over experienced speakers since they can easily understand and remember the phonetics of the language from reading it aloud. Furthermore, the Italian verb tenses are quite like the English tense system in terms of structure. Visit italian courses Melbourne for more information.

Reason number two: You’ll be better able to comprehend your native language.
When you study a foreign language, you unavoidably get a tremendous amount of knowledge about your native language as well. Regardless of the language, Italian and other Romance languages have one distinct advantage: they educate you about the nature of “register” in the English language, which is useful in many situations. Many of the terms that are shared between English and Italian sound rather…grandiose, even though they are rather common in Italian. A few beautiful adjectives, like cospicuo (conspicuous), tremendo (tremendous), orrendo (horrendous), innocuo (innocuous), mellifluo (mellifluous), and mendaci (mendacious), will certainly spice up your English vocabulary and augment your Italian vocabulary as you progress through the course. In time, you’ll realize that you’re better at distinguishing the Germanic and Latin roots of the English language, as well as having a better grasp of register and self-expression. Because many of these terms are extremely similar to other Romance languages, Italia also prepares you very well for moving on to them once you’re soddisfatto (satisfied) with your current proficiency level.A little more than 5% of Australians claim to be of Italian descent. Do you agree? If you answered yes, you might want to think about reconnecting with your roots.