A website is not the only way to establish an internet presence even for a business. There are options such as social media and third party publishing platforms. But a website can help you create a brand identity and strengthen your online presence. This is where owning your own domain name comes into play.
A domain name is simply the address of a website that a visitor can use to locate it. It allows a user to locate the IP address of a website. An IP address contains a lot of numbers and characters and it is impossible to remember. This is why domain names were created. It is a name that represents these numbers and characters which makes it a lot easier for users to remember the name of the website. Once the domain name is entered into the search bar, the visitor will be able to access the website. A domain name is made up of a unique name that is created by the owner to represent the brand and an extension such as .com, .org etc. There are so many domain names registered up to now that it can be possible your name is already taken. To check this, you can run the name through a domain name checker. You can get an idea of popular domain names by looking at the best domain names list. You can’t use a domain name that is already in use. But you can see whether it is possible to buy an existing domain name from the person who already owns it. There are also domain auction sites where you can choose a name.

The costs for buying a domain name can vary from low to very high depending on the popularity. If you have an idea for a domain name but don’t have the website up yet, you can still claim ownership of the domain name. This way, you can be sure that the name is still available once you have the website details in order. You will still be able to sell your product or service through paid or free hosting sites or social media sites. This will still enable you to create an online presence if you are a start-up company. But to expand your brand and build identity, you will need a website that carries all information that a visitor is looking for. This will further increase your visibility.

With a third party website hosting site, there is a subdomain that is provided. Your address will have the name of the host site included as well which can lengthen the address. You need to have clear communication when it comes to the domain name and it has to be something that is easily remembered. A concise and simple domain name will be able to communicate the purpose of your business. And there is definite authority involved with the domain name. It can give a professional identity to the brand and users will get a positive impression of the company.